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Chakra Guide


Discover the Power of Chakras: A Guide to Energy Alignment

Tap into your body’s chakras and step fully into your vibrancy and power. These energy centers influence your spiritual, emotional, and physical well-being–and when properly aligned, can lead to feelings of empowerment, balance, and harmony. 

Dive into our Chakra Guide to learn more about your chakras and how to align them for a transformational journey.


What Are Chakras?

The Sanskrit word for “wheel,” a chakra refers to the seven centers within the body that govern energy flow. Each of the chakras is associated with a particular area of the body and its proper functioning, impacting your overall health. When they’re open and aligned, you may feel balanced and in harmony with the world around you; when they are blocked, you may feel out of sync. Aligning the chakras is believed to improve well-being in mind, body, and spirit. 

Root Chakra


Location: Base of the spine

Color: Red

Meaning: Foundation, stability, and security

Origins: The root chakra connects us to the earth, symbolizing our primal needs for survival, safety, and stability. It is associated with grounding and the material world.

Gemstone: Garnet and Ruby

Affirmation: “I am grounded, safe, and secure.”

Sacral Chakra


Location: Lower abdomen

Color: Orange

Meaning: Creativity, passion, and emotional well-being

Origins: Known as the center of pleasure and creativity, the sacral chakra governs your ability to enjoy life, embrace change, and express yourself. It is deeply tied to emotions and relationships.

Gemstone: Carnelian

Affirmation: “I embrace my creativity and sensuality.”

Solar Plexus Chakra


Location: Upper abdomen

Color: Yellow

Meaning: Confidence, power, and self-esteem

Origins: The solar plexus chakra is your center of personal power and will. It influences your confidence, motivation, and ability to manifest your goals.

Gemstone: Yellow Jade, Yellow Opal and Citrine

Affirmation: “I am strong, confident, and capable.”

Heart Chakra


Location: Center of the chest

Color: Green

Meaning: Love, compassion, and connection

Origins: The heart chakra bridges the physical and spiritual worlds, symbolizing unconditional love and emotional healing. It governs empathy, forgiveness, and relationships.

Gemstone: Jade, Emerald, Green Onyx

Affirmation: “I give and receive love freely.”

Throat Chakra


Location: Throat

Color: Blue

Meaning: Communication, truth, and self-expression

Origins: The throat chakra represents the power of your voice and the ability to speak your truth. It is linked to honesty, creativity, and self-expression.

Gemstone: Angelite, Blue Topaz, Aquamarine and Blue Tourmaline

Affirmation: “I speak my truth with clarity and confidence.”

Third Eye Chakra


Location: Forehead between the eyes

Color: Indigo

Meaning: Intuition, insight, and spiritual awareness

Origins: Known as the seat of wisdom and intuition, the third eye chakra connects you to your inner vision and higher consciousness. It enhances your ability to perceive beyond the physical world.

Gemstone: Lapis and Dumortierite

Affirmation: “I trust my inner wisdom.”

Crown Chakra


Location: Top of the head

Color: Violet or white

Meaning: Spiritual connection, enlightenment, and universal consciousness

Origins: The crown chakra represents your connection to the divine and the universe. It is the gateway to enlightenment, spiritual growth, and transcendent awareness.

Gemstone: Amethyst

Affirmation: “I am connected to the divine source of all.”

Styles to balance your seven chakras.


Align Your Chakras with Intention

By understanding and aligning your energy centers, you can unlock their unique purpose–and a life of balance, authenticity, and spiritual meaning. Your chakra journey is a path to harmony, self-empowerment, and peace, and can be enhanced through meditation, yoga, or by wearing jewelry created with the intention of supporting and opening your chakras. 

Discover necklaces, bracelets, earrings, and malas that inspire chakra alignment and balance. Let the beauty of our Chakra Collection guide your path to empowerment and inner peace. 

Find Your Symbol

Discover which talisman best represents your journey with this Talisman Symbol Quiz, then choose the styles that call to your spirit.


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